
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Mac DeMarco - On the Square

Mac DeMarco - On the Square

Mr. Mac Demarco is magic, he has a magic hat. When he peeps through it, he sees his animal self/genius laying all-white bricks. It’s an eerie call-back to his earlier ‘Nobody’ video, in which he played the monster of fame, dressed in a cowboy hat.

(By the way, is it me or does the pigfaced Marc kinda look like the Matthew Barney Satyr character?)

Concept by Catherine Sweet

Video by William Sipos & Sean Campos

Starring Tommy Midnight

From “Here Comes the Cowboy”, out later this week.

Don't Miss 'Street Dreams' Curated by Lee Stuart at Kunsthal Rotterdam

Don't Miss 'Street Dreams' Curated by Lee Stuart at Kunsthal Rotterdam

Here's Your Guide to Belgian Pride 2019

Here's Your Guide to Belgian Pride 2019