The fierce visual above is by Daniel Mutton. (I sincerely suspect him of taking his pictures with his third eye.)
The title is a reference to Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”. The full quote goes as follows:
“Sweet, crazy conversations full of half sentences, daydreams and misunderstandings more thrilling than understanding could ever be.”
I don’t why I’ve been carrying that particular sentence with me recently. I suppose it’s a better, more precise way of saying the attempt is what matters more than the actual result. (If there is such a thing as an ‘end result’.) Maybe it’s because it’s a completely different way of looking at the way we carry our own worlds with us and they never fully connect. Like maybe that’s not a bad thing at all.
Here’s my excuse to steal it for this triptych of mixes. A good mix is full of messages and songs only half outspoken, daydreams in sound and happy little accidents or inspirations along the way. Right? Like these three:
1. Leif for Blowing Up The Workshop
Emphasis on the daydreams. Pruned like a bonsai tree: with great attention but letting the material dictate the shape.
2. Clara3000 for The Lot Radio
Emphasis on the thrilling. Plenty of breakbeats and what feels like spur-of-the-moment choices, pulling us along for the ride.
3. Obongjayar for NTS
Emphasis on the sweet. We told you about rising London artist Obongjayar before. Don’t sleep. This mix is part of his recent monthly residence at NTS Radio and it’s full of happy little surprises, like a piano soundtrack to a field recording of children playing, bouncy jazz to hop along to and Latin moments of sunshine. Bon Iver, Helado Negro and Roxy Music drop in to say hi and it’s like they only need to say half sentences to feel understood.
(c) Crack Magazine