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KNOTORYUS talks to Taz 'Ti$A' Arnold

KNOTORYUS talks to Taz 'Ti$A' Arnold

Yesterday evening I had the honour of talking to tAz Arnold.

I am dead serious when I say  that he will become one of the best high end designers in the world.

I'm such a fan of his work that I got a kind of nervous and the interview started off a bit rocky.

I always find myself dorking out on the people I admire. And although I relax after a couple of minutes, when the interview is over most of the time I'm left with a crush that's a trip.

Let's see : Pharrell : yep. So_Me : check. Don't even get me started on what kind of state I was in after spending 45 minutes with Stephen Dewaele.

Dude, I even felt giddy after interviewing the -female- head designer of Agent Provocateur.

Anyway. Taz and I had such a good chat that I felt comfortable enough to make him promise that he would talk to Sarah about stocking his collections at Colette. I think my exact words were : "Now, you have to ask her. Don't wait until she calls you."

In my defence: I have been raised better than I sound.

He was extremely courteous though. We talked about growing up in the eighties, his new albums, the new Ti$a MCM line (I got another scoop!) and Karl Lagerfeld.

And if that wasn't mind blowing enough, before he said goodbye he sweetly added that I made his day.


Mr. Arnold : you made my entire month.

And the next one.

Ah hell, who am I kidding. I'm having the BEST year!

You can read the interview in DSM which you'll find together with De Standaard on news stands Saturday April 18th.