I wasn't really thinking about going to Paris Fashion Week. For us it has never been about sitting front row, being seen or sipping free drinks and munching on free food.
I am not being dishonest here. If you ever get to talk to one of my clan, they will tell you that you can piss me off with a few things : I hate being on display (and by that I mean I'm totally awkward) and I'm difficult about other people paying restaurant bills. (Yeah, my accountant is pretty stoked about that too, but hey.)
So when Kris Van Assche sent us an invite to the LONDERZEEL Number 2 launch, my brain did that thing again. It does this weird click that unfortunately is not self-regulatable (great word, I know).
(image : KNOTORYUS)
It's the click that got me from an internship at MTV Londen to a Senior Producer job at MTV Networks because I had dreamed of those things since I was a thirteen year-old. It's the click that made Kanye West link us. It's the click that got us this condo with a view on Brussels' greatest landmarks. It's the click that went off when Baloji told me that he wanted me to style his official images for his album Hotel Impala. He looked me in the eye and said : "I know you really like the Kris Van Assche collection. I do too. Could we make that work?"
We all know how victoriousthat was!
This time my brain went: even if you would go, you have to make the most of it. You can stay 2 1/2 days MAX because other deadlines are beckoning.
And then I thought: what if we try to talk to the designers that inspired KNOTORYUS and Ü the most the previous couple of years?
Meaning Kris Van Assche, Damir Doma and Niels Peeraer.
Turned out this plan was completely doable if we were willing to put in the work.
(image : KNOTORYUS)
So we got to meet the artistic director of Dior Homme and head of KRIS VAN ASSCHE, Kris Van Assche.
This is the tattoo he shares with a couple of his dearest friends.
It's a hummingbird sipping nectar.
They all got it at Dragon Tattoo situated at Le Marais.
(image : KNOTORYUS)
Also this same evening :
(image : KNOTORYUS)
No hating here: that tattoo and bag totally made me laugh in a good way.
Here's what's coming up :
More KNOTORYUS and Ü meet Kris Van Assche: soon on Ü
More KNOTORYUS and Ü meet Damir Doma
More KNOTORYUS and Ü meet Niels Peeraer
And here's Kris Van Assche's new short film :