Mostly NSFW so stop scrolling now if you're not up for the evil possessions, dirty (sprite) emoji, juvenile swimming pool parties and/or pink eighties hair ahead.
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
Mostly NSFW so stop scrolling now if you're not up for the evil possessions, dirty (sprite) emoji, juvenile swimming pool parties and/or pink eighties hair ahead.
'I can’t hold it in my mind,' she whispered. 'I’m not a visual thinker.'
Lots of skin, girls smoking like a choo choo train, a singer-songwriter living like a French maid, a saxophone and rock school for smarmy Indie types. (And more.)
Lately, I've been thinking about sincerity. About the rare commodity of sincerity, specifically. You cannot manufacture sincerity. So demand will always outstrip supply. And there is another reason it's so precious. Who can afford it? Who can afford to be sincere? You?