All in mixtape


So Arabia Mountain, produced by Mark Ronson, might to launch The Black Lips into mega-selling orbit. Wonder what they'll do with the money. I'm expetcting Michael Jackson-esque shopping sprees ("This sarcophacus is beautiful! It will go great next to my gold life-sized sculpture of Marlon Brando wrestling a Zebra!") and seriously exuberant hospital bills. Here's the first single: 'Modern Art' and it's very very good and for free (for now).

Now that we're back from L.A. L.A. Land and almost fully decompressed, I'll start the new year by sharing some of the stuff I've picked up along the way. (Don't thank me yet. The list I've compiled so far includes a dead writer's collectibles and a psychedelic anthem about Chopin's wife dancing a jig...)

Andre 3 stacks is one of the greatest MC's of all time/ coolest motherf*ckers on the planet. Not much else to be said about that. While we're holding our breath for the new Outkast album, we're more than happy to cop this fresh 'n clean 'best of Andre 3000' mix by DJ Ideal.