
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Get Ready to Freak out over the New Aphex Twin - T69 Collapse

Get Ready to Freak out over the New Aphex Twin - T69 Collapse

Ten seconds into the new Aphex Twin video and I'm already like: "Reality is just a construct!" and "All matter is frequency tuned to consciousness!" Five minutes later, I've taken a much needed breath and reassembled my scattered brain to write you this post so you won't be left out. Ready? OK, go.

Directed by weirdcore.

From the "Collapse" EP, out September 14.

Here's Your Guide to Antwerp Pride 2018

Here's Your Guide to Antwerp Pride 2018

Travis Scott - Stop Trying To Be God

Travis Scott - Stop Trying To Be God