
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Oklou - 'blade bird'

Oklou - 'blade bird'

I don’t know what it is about Oklou that makes her album ‘Choke Enough’ so addictive. Hyperpop production (A.G. Cook pops up on some of the credits), rave influences, cutesy angst vocals, sure. But the songs hold up without all that hyper-je-ne-sais-quoi, too. Just watch this NTS session of “Blade Bird” (a song about falling in love with someone for the very reasons that make it hard to expect total/traditional commitment), in which Marylou Mayniel perches on a bar stool with her laptop and guitar amidst a gaggle of ice skaters in full flight for four minutes of casual genius. 

The Most podcast - Episode 81: Luc Van Acker

The Most podcast - Episode 81: Luc Van Acker

Watch 'Provenance' by Divide and Dissolve

Watch 'Provenance' by Divide and Dissolve