He has 999 wives and the funniest lyrics since Digital Underground. I guess you could say he's the African musical version of Borat.
Meet Prince Zimboo.
I don't know much about Prince Zimboo, except that he's African.
Interviewer: "Where in Africa?"
Prince Zimboo: "In dee bush."
Interviewer: "Where is that in Africa?"
Prince Zimboo: "Where North Africa meets South Africa, there is an impenetrable layer of forest. It is called: "bush"."
This charming Prince first broke with "Zimboo Bumayee" and scored a hit in Jamaica with "Lightswitch". In 2007, he first toured around the US, officially to "look for wife number 1.000" with lines like "Have you ever seen the Savannah from the back of a wildebeest?". Check him out. Via Mad Decent