The 08 summer beach tee's been released!
If you buy something from Mark The Cobrasnake's site and you've got a jealous girlfriend, you should either dump her or make sure she's there when you make your paypal or creditcard payment, because your bill will state that you made a sex site purchase...
But that Cobrasnake is becoming is a legendary party photographer and he makes great shirts that are all l.t.d.'s.
I own three four seven of them. So should you. Buy two of each. Keep one for yourself to pass on to your kid later on. Make mad money off the other one in a couple of months.
The shirt Mark & Uffie are rocking (with the cobra-neck) you can find here.
The other one Uffie is rocking (birthdaycake) you can get here.
(all pictures by Mark The Cobrasnake)