Guest: "Your girlfriend is really beautiful."
Kanye: "Thank you."
Guest: "Do you know she's a bird?"
Say what you will about Kanye West, but no other artist has been releasing this much free, high quality art since Weezy's heydays on the mixtape circuit. While I was having a screen-free weekend (Try it sometime. Stuff you do when you're unplugged from other networks may includemeditating on Russell Brand's My Booky Wook 2; taking naps, meditating on Romanticism vs. Protestantism in the works of Franz Kafka, writing down ideas on actual paper, dancing to Nevermind with a 5-year old and... did I mention naps already? ), Mr. West released the 'Runaway' movie on YouTube.
Directed by Kanye West.
Written by Hype Williams.
Art Direction: Vanessa Beecroft
Costume design: Phillip Lim, Martin Izquierdo
Expect a semi-naked phoenix crashing to earth and setting fire to a forest, lots of new music (SPOILER: APHEX TWIN SAMPLE in minute 25!), a marching band trubite to Michael Jackson in a desert, metaphorical interspecies sex, amazing suits, plenty of ballet, even more Christian allegories, and loads of Kanye lyrics to discuss, including "looking like a full booty Celine Dion" or rhyming 'waitin' with 'satan, satan, satan'.