angsty existentialism has moved from ‘raison d’être’ to ‘look du jour’.
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
When GOOSE reached out to KNOTORYUS asking if we wanted to work on something together in regards to their excellent new album "What You Need" and I subsequently bumped into Alex Salinas the very same day, I knew he and I had to discuss.
Entrañas is dark, murky, fascinating. Creeping flesh and bruises.
Palace has just released their full ad for the new Reebok collaboration, starring Oscar-nominated ultra lovable global awkwardness juggernaut Jonah Hill.
It's become a bit of a KNOTORYUS tradition to compile all the music of this magical night into a single playlist.
You know what soothes me every time? A casually, perfectly executed sample mix.